Either relevant works discussed in the Origin of the Bible or entries from its bibliography.
- According to the Scriptures by C. H. Dodd, 1952
- Against All Heresies by Irenaeus
- Aeneid by Virgil
- The Ancient Near East by Cyrus H. Gordon, 1965
- Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus
- The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament by R. H. Charles, 1913
- The Apocryphal New Testament by M. R. James, 1924
- The Apocryphal Old Testament by H. F. D. Sparks, 1984
- Apology for Poetry by Sir Philip Sydney
- The Art of Biblical Narrative by Robert Alter, 1981
- The Authority and Interpretation of the Bible: An Historical Approach by Jack Rogers and Donald McKim, 1979
- The Battle for the Bible by Harold Lindsell, 1976
- The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament by William M. Ramsay, 1915
- The Bible in the Church by B. F. Westcott, 1864
- Biblical Authority by Jack Rogers, 1977
- Biblia Hebraica, edited by R. Kittel
- Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, edited by K. Elliger and W. Rudolf
- Biblical Higher Criticism and the Defense of Infallibilism in Nineteenth Century Britain by Nigel C. de S. Cameron, 1987
- Book of the Dead
- "The Canon of the New Testament" by Harry Y. Gamble in The New Testament and Its Modern Interpreters, by editors E. J. Epp and G. W. McRae, 1989
- The Canon of the Old Testament by H. E. Ryle, 1895
- The Canon of Scripture by F. F. Bruce, 1988
- Christian Dogmatics, Volume 1, by Francis Pieper, 1950
- Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen
- Church History by Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea
- Code of Hammurabi, Hammurabi's Code
- Code of Eshnunna, Laws of Eshnunna (Babylonian)
- Code of Lipit-Ishtar. Lipit-Ishtar Law Code (Sumerian)
- Code of Ur-Nammu, 2050 B.C. (Sumerian)
- The Common Background of Greek and Hebrew Civilizations by Cyrus H. Gordon, 1965
- Contra Apion by Josephus
- Diatessaron by Tatian, A.D. 170
- Didache or Teaching of the Twelve, before A.D. 115
- "Easter Letter of A. D. 367" by Athanasius (https://www.scrollpublishing.com/store/Athanasius.html) - defines New Testament canon
- Edict of Milan, A.D. 313
- The Educated Imagination by Northrup Frye
- Epic of Gilgamesh
- Epistle of Barnabas, A.D.130
- Epistle to the Philippians
- Epistles of Ignatius, A.D. 115
- Enuma Elish, The Seven Tablets of Creation
- Festal Letter 39 by Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria, 367.
- First Apology by Justin Martyr
- 'Fundamentalism' and the Word of God: Some Evangelical Principles by J. I. Packer, 1958
- General Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon by W. H. Green, 1899
- Gospel of Truth probably by Valentinius
- The Great Code: The Bible and Literature by Northrup Frye, 1982
- Introduction to the New Testament by Everett Harrison, 1971.
- Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Volume XLCII, Issue 1, "The Discourse of the Flood Narrative" by Robert Longacre, March 1979, Page 133.
- The Hebrew Scriptures in the Making by M. L. Margolis, 1922
- "Higher Critics and Forbidden Fruit." by Cyrus H. Gordon, 1959
- A Historical Study of the Canonization of the Hebrew Scriptures by S. A. Zeitlin, 1933
- How to Read the Bible as Literature by Leland Ryken, 1984
- Inerrancy and Hermeneutics: A Tradition, a Challenge, a Debate by Harvie Conn, 1989.
- The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible by B. B. Warfield, both 1948 and 1951 editions - historic evangelical view
- Inspiration and Canonicity of the Bible by R. L. Harris, 1957
- Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture by Brevard Childs, 1979
- The Jewish War by Josephus
- Journal of Bible and Religion 32, 1964, pp 125-132.
- Light from the Ancient East by Adolf Deissmann, 1927
- Limited Inspiration by Benjamin B. Warfield
- "The Literary Impact of the Authorized Version" by C. S. Lewis
- Literary Interpretations of Biblical Narratives by Tremper Longman III, 1987
- The Nag Hammadi Library by J. M. Robinson, 1988
- New Testament Apocrypha by W. Schneemelcher and R. M. Wilson, 1963
- "New Testament Canon" in the Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, by editor Walter Elwell, 1988.
- The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? by F. F. Bruce, 1960
- The New Testament in Its Literary Environment by David E. Aune, 1989
- *The New Testament in Literary Criticism by Leland Ryken, 1984
- "Odysseus' Scar" by Erich Auerbach
- Odyssey by Homer
- The Old Testament of the Early Church by A. C. Sundberg, 1964
- The Old Testament and Folklore Study by P. G. Kirkpatrick, 1988
- The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, 2 vols., by J. H. Charlesworth, 1983, 1985.
- Old Testament Theology by L. Koehler, 1957 - "revelation in visions is also verbal revelation"
- The Old Testament in the New Testament by R. V. G. Tasker, 1954
- Palestinian Judaism and the New Testament by Martin McNamara, 1983
- Paul's Use of the Old Testament by Earl E. Ellis, 1957
- The Pentateuch in Its Cultural Environment by G. Herbert Livingston
- Pirqe Aboth, Sayings of the Fathers
- Praeparatio Evangelica AKA The Preparation of the Gospel by Eusebius of Caesarea, Book XII, quoting the Hebrew philosopher Aristobulus saying Moses wrote Genesis @ https://www.tertullian.org/fathers/eusebius_pe_13_book13.htm)
- Protestant Poetics and the Seventeeth-Century Religious Lyric by Barbara Lewalski
- Redating the New Testament by John T. Robinson, 1976
- Revelation and Reason by Emil Brunner - verbal inspiration
- The Samaritan Pentateuch and the Origin of the Samaritan Sect by J. D. Purvis, 1968
- Scripture and Truth by D. A. Carson and John D. Woodbridge, 1986
- The School of St. Matthew by K. Stendahl, 1954
- The Shepherd of Hermas by Hermas, A.D. 2nd century
- The Structure of Biblical Authority by S. Z. Leiman, 1976
- The Treasure of the Copper Scroll by J. M. Allegro, 1960.
- The Uses of Scripture in Recent Theology by David H. Kelsey, 1975 - functional view of biblical authority
- De Vita Contemplativa by Philo
- The Wisdom of Amenemope
- Words of Delight: A Literary Introduction to the Bible by Leland Ryken, 1987
- Words of Life: A Literary Introduction to the New Testament, 1987